On vacations, we spend too much time on social networks and not enough time having sex
23. April 2018
Durex offers a number of interesting surveys that are presented to the public through press releases from our agency. One of them is a survey exploring people’s expectations about sexual intercourse during their vacations. Durex’s research revealed that as many as 52 percent of people expect better sex life on a vacation, but 60 percent end up disappointed. So where lies the main problem? With our phones and social networks. Yeah, quite right.
The research (from 2016, with 2000 participants) reveals that 40 percent less people will initiate sexual intercourse if their partner is focused on his or her phone while in bed. 41 percent of them also admit that they spend the nights with their partner, focused on their phone.
Social networks have a very special significance, since as many as 65 percent of respondents post on social media up to three times a day, while 42 percent say they prefer to share their special holiday experiences on social networks as well as with their partner.
And how do you spend the time with your partner? During the holidays, we prefer to keep our tablets and phones somewhere in the drawer or in a closet.